Women's Conference - March 21-22
Women's Conference - March 21-22
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Join us Monday nights at 6 PM for food and fellowship!
We help people with their struggles and focus on taking things one day at a time. God has a plan for your life and it begins with starting the journey. We provide child care and have an excellent youth program too.
Please contact Kurt or Jennifer at 573-372-8278 or email at jliebl10177@gmail.com.
We hope to see you there!
Our Nursery Department has the divine task of teaching babies and toddlers about Jesus. We don't want to be a babysitting service. We desire to teach and training babies using various techniques. Our toddlers continue their learning and equipping process with Bible stories, handout sheets, and videos that enhance their desire to know God in a greater way.
At the age of five each toddler is promoted to the Children's Church. To best describe this ministry, it has adult church teaching presented at the kids level. The kids learn what the Word of God says about them and how to apply it in their lives.
Students entering the 6th grade are promoted to Relentless Youth Group. This ministry equips your teenager with biblical teaching and Christian support that prepares each student for today's challenges by pursuing God and His precepts.
Along with the Sunday Morning service, adults also can attend the Discipleship Class where Pastor Stacey Jones leads us into a deeper interactive discussion on spiritual matters that we can apply to our lives today.
Our mission as Life Work Worship is to LEAD the church in extravagant worship. Our scripture is 2 Chronicles 29:11 which says, "God has chosen you to take your place before Him to serve in conducting and leading worship - this is your life work; make sure you do it and do it well."
Out vision is to give all that we are solely to honor and bless God in this house as we worship, making worship a lifestyle, not just an item on a checklist at church service, both inside and outside the walls of our house. We want to teach the church what worship is, how to worship "in spirit and truth", and to lead the church in that worship both on and off the alter. Every aspect of our worship needs to exemplify our love for our Heavenly Father.
Our regional ministries cover the entire Missouri and Arkansas area. Our kids camps, lake invasions, and adult conferences draw hundreds of participants from all over this bi-state area for special event programs designed specifically for targeted audiences.
The Door
212 Faith Boulevard, Laurie, Missouri 65037, United States